Are we witnessing a change for the better in Fine Tune CB?

I just watched a stream of HardDrive doing his thing but what shocked me and still does is that he went nearly 15 minutes without starting to get into his usual drivel. Then he left drivel mode pretty quickly. But then he went back into drivel. Then he went back into being normal…

Now he is anti-amplifier.

If he stays off “the jazz” he isn’t so bad. In fact, he is right about a lot of what he is saying about these splatter boxes.
Showing bad waveforms isn’t funny. He laughs manically over this but it’s really not amusing.
When he tries to make his “points” and then laughs like that guy from Billy Madison he sounds like a crazy person!
Dude, if you just state the facts without the bashing then you will earn a lot more respect.

Nobody ever disagreed with anyone that talks about not creating splatter boxes, unless your Joker Man Electronics.
Yes, Joker Man Electronics claims that’s the right way. It’s not. We all know that it’s not except the people that buy from him.
Is it good to run clean radios? YES!
Is this “keydown” shit stupid? YES!

Hard Drive, People do not call you out for talking about clean radios.
They call you out because your coax myths are BULLSHIT.
They call you out because of this notion that you are the only one that can do an alignment, which is BULLSHIT.

Then he says to “be nice” to everyone else?
Why don’t you do the same?

Dial down the rhetoric, man. And muzzle your other dog RabbiPorkChop.
He does more hard to you than good.

As of this writing RabbiPorkChop has not created a propaganda graphic for him.
The video is here