Fine Tune CB and RabbiPorkChop are doing damage control

Tips once again from the cbradioblog spy network. One thing that is pointed out on a nearly hourly basis is the comment editing. They edit their comments so frequently that a page refresh will yield yet another edit. They will deny this, of course but they can’t hide that little bit of text there that says “edited”. Now there is a new thumbnail on RabbiPorkChops’ copy of the fake location video that gives a new set of GPS coordinates. The second set is unverifiable. He offers no proof of it and we can’t just take “his word” because he is a well known pathological liar and troll.

It’s so embarrassing that he can’t even copy the set from his own video, he had to come up with a yet DIFFERENT set of coordinates that are 70 feet from the first set. It’s like he is pulling some of these other coordinates out of thin air. I never hear the other person reading off GPS coordinates or see any video with GPS data. How can be trust it when the author of the video has altered the story in in this particular instance in a stupidly trivial way? By giving another set of coordinates 70 feet away? It reeks of deception but this is the same person that admits to washing audio via DSP and in his recordings you can hear DSP artifacts and even a noise gate in operation.

No “integrity” when one has to edit the audio and even create graphics with yet another set of GPS coordinates. Amazing to me that the defense is riddled with trivial holes that even a basic proofread should have caught.

A few other noteworthy items.

First is this “barefoot radio” business. He means to tell us that this radio is a legal power radio but we know he is using that “other” definition of “barefoot” to mean no amplifier. But they are both high power radios. What is amazing to me is they are being called “barefoot” but we know that these radios have some “super tunes” and supposedly better finals and all, so they are saying that these radios are in fact even higher powered radios than an out of the box radio.

How is this a “barefoot mud duck radio” when it’s been heavily modified? What are these putting out on SSB? 100 watts? It’s all smoke and mirrors. You are being “snowed” here because it might as well have an amplifier. It’s not a 12 watt radio, it’s probably a 100 watt radio. More power = more range. Duh? Nothing to see here, move along. Just a play on words, and a deceptive one at that.

Next, a reader writes in and tells me of a YouTube comments bug. Apparently in some cases when you go straight to a video via it’s direct link it will give you the REAL number of comments, including the hidden or deleted comments. It’s tricky in that it doesn’t always work. You cannot see the hidden or deleted comments but you can see the actual count. If you refresh the page or try to change the comment ordering it goes to the actual count. This sheds some interesting light on how many comments are in moderation on Fine Tune videos and it’s quite a few.

Here is an example… the fake location video:

43 comments. When I counted the comments, as of this writing, there are 36 visible comments. The remaining 7 comments are hidden or deleted comments. This bug is documented in a few Google support threads and it’s not a new problem. What this tells me is that people have challenged something or made a comment that was not fitting of the all mighty coward that is Hard Drive. More than half of the 36 comments are Hard Drive himself, RabbiPorkChop, or some of his known trolls. Take those away and the only comments he gets are probably negative ones by a majority.

I checked several other videos and there was one that there were over 30 hidden comments to the 5 or so visible. It’s pretty bad.

The next thing I want to mention is the frequent edits. They can’t stick to what they say they have to change it to reflect any new “alternative facts” they can come up with. These are not edits to fix typos or grammar, because 9 out of 10 times the bad grammar or typos are left intact but some other drivel is inserted.

Poor Hard Drive. He dishes it out but he cant take it. What a coward.

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