Fine Tune CB claims conspiracy with missing Mark19960 video [Updated]


Fairly quick response. His response in full:

I did in fact delete the stream. Youtube said it going to delete the stream some number of days anyway so I downloaded it and deleted it myself.

He admits to deleting it himself. Oh well, so much for that conspiracy. Not everyone is trying to scam people, Hard Drive. Just you.



Hard Drive is at it again. After being called out for over 3 hours they claim to want to “watch” the video when they were in attendance reporting the stream into the ground. They took to Facebook to cry foul that the video says it was deleted by the user. This is in fact what it says when I use the link, that it was deleted by the user. I have reached out to Mark19960 for comment on this and will update as soon as I get a response.


And some of his trolls are saying:



2 thoughts on “Fine Tune CB claims conspiracy with missing Mark19960 video [Updated]”

  1. This is going too far, roflcopter.
    Guys at FineTune must make a living selling C.B. radios.

    Mark19960 has a job, he is an engineer.

    If me, you, or uncle tom have a cb repair shop, a mod shop or even a restoration shop….
    if you are a hobbyist you as may as well be a modder, and if you simply enjoy the cb radio hobby on YouTube you can be considered a threat to FineTine profits, and targeted plus attacked by them..

    Watch out, would not want to piss them off, they are a really bad lot.

  2. Truth is finetunes minions down voted the video hard and reported the content which is the reason for the TOS.
    Mark mentioned during the video he was getting notifications for reported content.finetune can talk since some of his recent videos have disappeared from youtube concerning this subject .

    Whos conspiring who mr sherman?

    Or is finetune hiding the fact that at6666 screws do not come factory with thread lock on them which can be proven by many videos on the net and hundreds of pics so his little circle fest makes him look more stupid .

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