If you look at virtually every CB group or forum that’s either run by a shop or radio group they all have a more or less common message pinned this week: Merry Christmas. Not Hard Drive. His pinned message is that my trolls are not really my trolls and everyone is out to get me and so on. Basically, bitch whine and complain. Yes, I know that you read the blog. Yes, I know you have had RAGES on the phone over the blog. Sad!
Oh, and my prices are going up because of “inflation”. If he said the Trump tax, that’s a lot more realistic. Look, he controls his prices but he should not make excuses for it. They are his prices to set. Saying it’s inflation is bullshit:
Data from https://data.bls.gov/timeseries/CUSR0000SA0?output_view=pct_1mth
These people cannot tell the truth and they cannot even say Merry Christmas to their flock.
Absolutely no decency. None.