Tip from a reader!
His trolls are hard at work and actively spamming Fine Tune CB work all over this week. We have spotted them on lots of channels leaving comments directing people to Fine Tune. Several Channels as of this writing still have the comments. Others have been fairly quick to remove the comments since they seem to be disappearing. There is absolutely no shame in what Hard Drive tells his flock to do. None.
The following channels have seen Fine Tune trolls spamming to tell people to buy Max Mods, Palomar MOSFETs and “tunes” at Fine Tune:
The channels IN BOLD have removed the spam comments I have links to.
Snake Radio Customs
Lesters Custom Truck Shop
Fat Cat Amps
Mikes Radio Repair
Jokerman Electronics
1883GotDown (Gatekeeper Amps)
TRX Bench
UK CB Radio Servicing
The Radio Shop
They are using the following troll accounts / names:
Scot Johnson (This is RabbiPorkChop himself.)
Greg Foreman
Tim Hogan
James Kessler
Mark Sherman (obvious troll account)
FineTune CBShop (obvious troll account)
Doug Brock
Best bet is to block and ban the YouTube users on this list to prevent them from spamming your video comments.