Fine Tune CB: Ask questions, get kicked out of my Facebook group

We have seen this reported far and wide on the internet. Hard Drive feels that if you ask a question you are a “tire kicker”
I received a message on the blog a couple of weeks ago where a buyer asked him if he could get the radio “tuned” without Palomar transistors and he was banned. Apparently the only way to get a “fine tuned” radio is to accept the Palomar curse.

A user sent into the blog a few days ago exactly how this conversation has to go:

  1. Your message must contain the radio you want and one of like 4 radios he provides.
  2. It must contain your phone number.
  3. It must not contain any questions.
  4. It must be sent to Hard Drive via his Facebook group.
  5. It must be for a new radio only.

It should be formatted as such:

I would like an SR-955. 123-456-7890

Questions like… how much? Banned. When can I expect it? Banned.
Asking for a timeframe while he is holding your money is forbidden.
You get your radio when he feels like it.

Why would anyone do business with someone that operates this way?

1 thought on “Fine Tune CB: Ask questions, get kicked out of my Facebook group”

  1. Nobody would. He’s a scammer.

    Him and his boy Rabbi are up in the desert making their own Broke Back Mountain called the Broke Back Radio Show.

    They take turns giving each other plugs.

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