Jokerman Electronics: more “scary” from the Joker Man himself

This is a person with a name that “just fits” sort of like my “fine tune” quotes that he “loves” to use. I don’t write much about him because there really isn’t much to say. He is if nothing else very consistently bad.

Here are the latest horror shows from Jokerman Electronics…. complete with Fine Tune trolls harassing him.



5 thoughts on “Jokerman Electronics: more “scary” from the Joker Man himself”

    Hope all is well. On 05/31/2018, I paid you $563.00 to repair a amplifier in good faith,in over 2 years I have paid you almost $3000.00 for different things to do,the last was this amplifier.I;ve spoken with other Technicians and amplifier builders,and understand problems that arise,You have had this amplifier almost 9 months and that is long enough time FOR ME , So……on 2/15/2019 Iam asking politely to please,please return my equipment,repaired or not,And I hope all is well with us.Just return my amplifier and all is good…..NOT RETURNED

  2. Be careful he is a dirty worker and is pretty much after the money and no work to be done a complete liar

  3. So far Jason has been an awesome person to me I’ve got my jumpers from him I got my hundred foot of coax and I’ll compliment later on my amplifier but so far he’s been straight up with me and honest

  4. Jason Joke Man Electronics, this guy is awesome man he really does back up his work he tune to CB radio for me and I don’t even use the squelch man that thing is so fine-tuned you don’t even have to deal with none of that squelch and all that noise, it’s beautiful everybody says my radio sounds like a champ again Jason I want to thank you man you the best, Ronald.

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