Snake Radio Customs microphone flip-flop and whine [Updated]

Today Snake Radio Customs uploaded a video where he went back and forth blaming the customer then not blaming the customer for a problem they were having with one of his “setup jobs”. Everyone has unhappy customers. EVERYONE. Except Snake Radio Customs.
He proceeds to start hacking at the microphone despite it working. Fixing problems that do not exist.

Video is below…. but he will likely delete it within a few hours.

UPDATE: he removed the video, as expected.
Link is below, but we have the original to be posted soon.

1 thought on “Snake Radio Customs microphone flip-flop and whine [Updated]”

  1. Almost as hard to sit through as his 955 video of a “quality” setup.

    Quite possibly this guy is more annoying to watch than Hard Drive is, coin toss to which is more full of shit.

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